Thursday, October 2, 2008

one week down!!

i cant believe my first week is already over it went by so fast!! i met another friend!! she just graduated from the crossing last year so were the same age... but we only have one class together so i dont get to see her very often. in my anatomy class we watched a knee and shoulder surgery which were so cool. i really want to take pre med and become a surgeon!! that would be the best job ever!!

1 comment:

Monica said...

Brooke!!! That is so cool that you got to watch the surgery! and I say go for becoming a surgeon because that would be sweet!! And I love your post about the math teacher! lol I could here you saying the "for sure" part! I love it and I love you and am so happy you've found some friends! I love you girl and have fun.
P.S. we are totally going to have to stay at the shamrock sometime soon because I want a trucker deal!!! :) lol love you!