Tuesday, October 28, 2008

so... i talked to my admissions counselor and the dean about transfering to indy to study surgical technology. apparently just because i got accepted into the elkhart campus does not mean i automatically am accepted into the indy campus. they are more selective, they only have a few openings. i really really hope that i will get in, i dont know what i would do if i did not get in to the program because i really really do not want to do mediacal assistance anymore. so please pray for me that i could get in!! :)

Monday, October 20, 2008

i dont even know...

so i dont know what to do about this college thing. i dont feel like im getting the best grades, im not even joking... i might be mentally retarded. i think i know what im talking about, i study alot but when i take the tests i just really dont know the answers. its not that i know them after the test either... i just clearly didnt know them in the first place. even open book stuff... should be able to get an A... but dont. all the other people in my classes are getting decent grades so its not that its too hard...
well o well i guess ill just have to study All the time... which dosent look too promising... wow the complete lack of extra motivation is really killing me.
at least it will get better...
it really couldnt get any worse

Saturday, October 18, 2008

schools going ok... ive met more people but i really want to move. Im so tired of this area, i've lived here my entire life and im ready for something new. I really dont want to do medical assistance anymore and i would love to do surgical technology. I think that if i did finish medial assistance i would end up with a desk job, which i really dont want. I want a job that changes everyday.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

one week down!!

i cant believe my first week is already over it went by so fast!! i met another friend!! she just graduated from the crossing last year so were the same age... but we only have one class together so i dont get to see her very often. in my anatomy class we watched a knee and shoulder surgery which were so cool. i really want to take pre med and become a surgeon!! that would be the best job ever!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Day 2... my first friend!! lol

so my second day was much better than the first. i really like the schedual my classes are only an hour and 20 minutes long which flys by. i met this girl named zoolaka in my stratigies for success class, she might be my first friend! my classes are easy so far. my math class is the easiest but the teacher is soo boring! for some reason he found it neccesary to ramble on and on for 45 min about adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions... for sure EVERYONE learns that in about 7th grade. the good thing about that is i can sleep and not even be confused at all when i wake up!!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Day 1

So today was my first day of school. I have four classes in two different rooms, and three teachers! It feels so much like high school but it is so much smaller. We had to share something about ourselves, and the majority of the students mentioned their kids or job( most were layed off). I clearly do not have either. My classes are not that hard so I think I will do well. =)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


so my college experience just started... i believe im the youngest student. im just going to have to make the best of it. By march of next year ill have an associtates degree as a medical assistant. i hope that ill be able to transfer into surgical technology but im not sure yet how that will work.